College of Business
Interdisciplinary Program in Government Finance and Accounting
Interdisciplinary Program in Government Finance and Accounting
Master's Program/Doctoral Program/Joint Master's and Doctoral Program
- Introduction
- As the first such department established in Korea in 2015, the master's program and doctoral program is a convergence program, an interdisciplinary program between departments related to government finance, including public administration, economics, law, business administration and accounting. It is composed of the curriculums teaching professional knowledge of national accounting, national finance, and tax laws necessary for performing public office work such as contract disbursement.
- Location : # 116, Building N13
- Phone : (043) 261-2347
- Fax : (043) 276-2347
College of Social Sciences
Interdisciplinary Program in Crisis Management
Interdisciplinary Program in Crisis Management
Master's Program/Doctoral Program/Joint Master's and Doctoral Program
- Introduction
- The Interdisciplinary Program in Crisis Management was established to contribute to the safety of schools, local communities, and national society by training talented human resources in crisis management as a realistic and concrete way to respond to various risk factors in human society. In order to create a new base for utilizing crisis management knowledge with the use of big data in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the program trains crisis management experts in the domestic and international community through the development of a new crisis management paradigm tailored to social trends, such as UN SDGs and Resilience. It also trains experts who can play a central role in crisis management in the Asia-Pacific region and crisis management experts for the creation of national and local community safety communities, and establishes crisis prevention plans and manuals to train experts in crisis prevention, response and recovery.
- Location : # 117, Building N15
- Phone : (043) 261-2197
- Fax : (043) 273-2197
College of Natural Sciences
Interdisciplinary Program in Synthetic Biology Master's Program /Doctoral Program
- Introduction
- In 2008, a new interdisciplinary master's program was established in Synthetic Biology. Graduate programs are carried out in connection with the College of Medicine. The Department of Synthetic Biology aims to train human resources in the field of synthetic biology and related convergence life science and biotechnology required to enhance national competitiveness in the 21st century. To this end, the department aims to train future-oriented scientists and technical talents who will lead research in the field of new convergence biotechnology with a creative and challenging attitude based on a broad understanding of basic science fields such as mathematics, statistics, physics, and chemistry as well as biology and engineering fields such as electronics, computing, machinery, new materials, and chemical engineering..
- Location : # 313, Building S1-5
- Phone : (043) 261-2299
- Fax : (043) 264-9600
College of Business
Interdisciplinary Program in International Management Information Science Master's Program
- Introduction
- With a joint master's program, we aim to train talented human resources with international research capabilities. Through international joint research, we aim to strengthen global capabilities and promote overseas employment of students.
- Location : # 217, Building N13
- Phone : (043) 261-2355
- Fax : (043) 273-2355
College of Engineering
Interdisciplinary Program in Green Energy Engineering Master's Program
- Introduction
- The development of innovative energy technologies that can solve climate change problems caused by greenhouse gases and various problems caused by severe energy depletion is considered to be an important challenge for the future society. As part of the countermeasures, the Interdisciplinary Program in Green Energy Engineering aims to train experts in green energy and spread related knowledge, playing a role in advancing an eco-friendly energy society.
- Location : # 201, Building E8-7
- Phone : (043) 261-2441 and 2448
- Fax : (043) 263-2441 and 2448
College of Engineering
Interdisciplinary Program in Disaster Prevention EngineeringMaster's Program / Doctoral Program / Joint Master's and Doctoral Program
- Introduction
- The Interdisciplinary Program in Disaster Prevention Engineering is composed of two majors (Earthquake and Disaster Prevention Engineering, and Disaster Management). Students can obtain a master's degree in engineering and a doctorate degree in engineering (operated with the support of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security). Five departments related to earthquakes and disasters (Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Architectural Engineering, Department of Urban Engineering, and Department of Safety Engineering in College of Engineering and Department of Earth Environmental Science in College of Natural Sciences) are participating in this program.
- Location : # 401, Building E8-6
- Phone : (043) 249-1228
- Fax : (043) 263-2409
College of Engineering
Interdisciplinary Program in Smart Ecological Industry Convergence
Interdisciplinary Program in Smart Ecological Industry Convergence
Master's Program/Doctoral Program/Joint Master's and Doctoral Program
- Introduction
- The Interdisciplinary Program in Smart Ecological Industry Convergence aims to train experts in smart Eco Industrial Development (EID) to nurture the global creative talents required, along with ecological industry development focused on graduate school education and practices and smart industrial symbiosis networks.
- Location : # 202, Building E8-10
- Phone : (043) 249-1326
College of Electronic Information
Interdisciplinary Program in Smart Car Master's Program/Doctoral Program/Joint Master's and Doctoral Program
- Introduction
- Master's/doctoral degree/non-degree programs are offered reflecting industrial demand to lead the new convergence ecosystem of the future automobile industry such as autonomous vehicles and electric vehicles. It aims at developing practical on-site industry-academia-related projects such as joint LAB and internships, to secure the ability of solving difficulties in field technologies. It also offers support for linked employment; introduction to smart car engineering; artificial intelligence sensor and communication-based autonomous driving environment recognition; research on autonomous driving car control through environment recognition; research on the design and control of parts/systems for electric vehicles; and actual vehicle experiments using self-driving performance evaluation stations.
- Location : # 341, Building E8-7
- Phone : (043) 249-1683
College of Electronic Information
Interdisciplinary Program in Smart Factory
Interdisciplinary Program in Smart Factory
Master's Program/Doctoral Program/Joint Master's and Doctoral Program
- Introduction
- With the support of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (a project to foster experts in smart factory operation design), the department recruits 15 or more master's and doctoral students each year, and operates courses specific to information technology (IT), operation technology (OT), and automation technology (AT) related to the smart factory. This project group aims to train global creative talents who can design, operate, and develop smart factories, as well as experts in smart factory manufacturing and production systems ranging from bio to cosmetics, electronics, general machinery, chemistry, life science and IT, who can be placed immediately in the industrial field.
First, training talented human resources with the theory of smart factories
Second, training talented human resources people with smart factory design capabilities
Third, training talented human resources with smart factory operation technology (OT) and information technology (IT) capabilities
Fourth, training talented human resources with international communication and leadership skills -
- Location : # 217, Building S4-1
- Phone : (043) 261-2260
- Fax : (043) 273-2265
College of Agriculture, Life and Environment Sciences
Interdisciplinary Program in Forest Healing Master's Program/Doctoral Program
- Introduction
- Forests have an impact on the quality of human life through various functions such as providing material products including wood, environmental services, recreation and culture. As social interest in the health and healing functions of forests has increased in recent years, attempts are being made to contribute to national health and happiness by utilizing them in each field. Interdisciplinary Program in Forest Healing at Chungbuk National University identifies and verifies the effects of Forest Healing, and operates master’s and doctoral programs for research and education on its mechanism and applications.
- Location : # 272, Building S21-5
- Phone : (043) 261-2532
- Fax : (043) 272-5921
College of Agriculture, Life and Environment Sciences
Interdisciplinary Program in Cultural Heritage Science Master's Program/Doctoral Program/Joint Master's and Doctoral Program
- Introduction
- Thinking about how mankind must live in the future begins with knowing the past and learning history. A valuable resource that informs us of history and culture is historical heritage, i.e., cultural assets, and the wisdom and spirit of our ancestors dwell in it. The Department of Cultural Heritage Science makes it possible to preserve, restore, and use cultural properties through the annual age of cultural heritage and scientific investigation and research, and aims to train human resources.
- Location : #S21-3 Building 218
- Phone : (043) 261-2540
- Fax : (043) 273-2241
College of Agriculture, Life and Environment Sciences
Interdisciplinary Program in Bio Industry
Interdisciplinary Program in Bio Industry
Master's Program/Doctoral Program/ Joint Master's and Doctoral Program
- Introduction
- The bio-industry, which is a promising, high value-added future industry that will lead the 21st century, applies the functions of living organisms, such as materials, information, and energy, to various fields such as medicine, medicine, the environment, chemistry, bio-progress, food, energy, agriculture, and the ocean using advanced biotechnological technologies to produce the materials useful to humans and realize welfare. The Interdisciplinary Program in Bio Industry aims to train advanced experts in the fields of functional foods, new bio drugs, and new bio materials, and develop a new industry-academia cooperation paradigm.
- Location : # 624, Building S20
- Phone : (043) 261-2565
- Fax : (043) 271-4413
College of Business
Interdisciplinary Program in Big Data
Interdisciplinary Program in Big Data
Master's Program/Doctoral Program/ Joint Master's and Doctoral Program
- Introduction
- In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, big data is becoming more important as large amounts of data in various formats are rapidly created, spread, and utilized. The Interdisciplinary Program in Big Data aims to train convergent talents using big data, not technology-savvy talents, through collaboration between departments. We operate practical expert training, industry-academia programs, and other training programs that reflect the needs of companies.
- Location : # 217, Building N13
- Phone : (043) 261-2355
- Phone : (043) 273-2355
College of Medicine
Interdisciplinary Program in Biomedical Engineering
Interdisciplinary Program in Biomedical Engineering
Master's Program/Doctoral Program/ Joint Master's and Doctoral Program
- Introduction
- Biomedical Engineering is a typical convergence science field where medicine and engineering are combined, and is an academic field that researches and develops devices and technologies to improve the quality of life of humans by introducing the latest engineering technologies to medicine. Therefore, in the Interdisciplinary Program in Biomedical Engineering, students hone cutting-edge biomedical engineering technologies that they must have as a convergence scientist. We are mainly focusing on biosensor and bio-system engineering technologies, healthcare systems, respiratory air flow sensors and respiratory medical devices, medical electronics, medical imaging, and medical applications of advanced ICBMS technologies.
- Location : # 412, Building E7-1
- Phone : (043) 261(043) 261-2841
College of Business
Interdisciplinary Program in Convergence Security
Interdisciplinary Program in Convergence Security
Master's Program/Doctoral Program/ Joint Master's and Doctoral Program
- Introduction
- With the development of information technology, the convergence and integration of detailed areas of information protection is rapidly progressing, and the importance of information protection is increasing. Even though experts are needed to effectively achieve an organization's information protection goals, the supply of experts is insufficient. Since information protection is a field that requires an academic understanding of various areas such as IT technology, legal system, and management information, we are providing systematic curriculums through interdisciplinary programs.
- Location : # 217, Building N13
- Phone : (043) 261-2355
- Fax : 043-273-2355
College of Agriculture, Life and Environment Sciences
Interdisciplinary Program in International Agricultural Development
Interdisciplinary Program in International Agricultural Development
Master's Program/Doctoral Program/ Joint Master's and Doctoral Program
- Introduction
- The Interdisciplinary Program in International Agricultural Development, is a program designed to train the professional talents necessary for international cooperation in the field of agriculture, which is continuously increasing, and cultivate professional competency to carry out ODA projects or work in international cooperative organizations. The program aims to train professional talents who can research and develop the field of international agricultural cooperation, as well as graduate school professionals who can conduct international cooperation and development in the field of agriculture. The Interdisciplinary Program in International Agricultural Development major is divided into the following programs: agricultural environment, livestock, agricultural infrastructure, and agricultural economy, and provides specialized education in detailed agricultural fields along with an understanding of international cooperation. Graduates will be able to pursue careers in companies related to international agricultural cooperation, national ODA-related organizations such as KOICA, national investment institutions and public enterprises that carry out ODA projects such as the Korea Rural Community Corporation, international agricultural cooperation organizations such as the UNDP, ADB, and NGOs, as well as start-ups and as managers of companies related to international agricultural cooperation.
- Location : # 209, Building S21-5
- Phone : (043) 261-2572
- Fax : (043) 271-5922
College of Electronic Information
Interdisciplinary Program in Information Industry Engineering
Interdisciplinary Program in Information Industry Engineering
Master's Program/Doctoral Program/ Joint Master's and Doctoral Program
- Introduction
- The Interdisciplinary Program in Information Industry Engineering was established to meet the social demand for specialists in response to the rapid development of information industry engineering. This program aims to train specialists in multimedia processing, processing, storage, and transmission by operating a multimedia-related curriculum consisting of various types of data such as text, voice, image, video, etc. In this program, the Department of Electricity, Electronics, Information, Computer Science, Department of Horticulture, Department of Digital Information Convergence, Department of Management Information, Department of Environment, Urban and Chemical Engineering (Environmental Engineering major, Urban Engineering major), and Department of Art are participating. The program is composed of the common major curriculums consisting of the programs of the participating departments and the advanced major programs in multimedia engineering.
- Location : # 401, Building E8-7
- Phone : (043) 261-2480
- Fax : (043) 271-4647
- Department to apply to : Department of Information and Communication Engineering
College of Business
Interdisciplinary Program in
Intellectual Property Smart Convergence
Interdisciplinary Program in
Intellectual Property Smart Convergence
Master's Program/Doctoral Program
- Introduction
- In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it is essential to establish global strategies based on corporate intellectual property (IP) and develop the management capacity of global IP assets to secure leading dominance in innovative competitiveness for the future growth industry of the nation. In particular, the objective is to surpass the existing IP protection including IP commercialization, IP strategic planning, IP finance, and global IP management, and foster professionals that can create and utilize the IP values.
- Location : # 312, Building N14
- Phone : (043)249-1651,1655
College of Engineering
Graduate Department of Urban Regeneration
Graduate Department of Urban Regeneration
Master's Program/Doctoral Program/Joint Master's and Doctoral Program
- Introduction
- In the 21st century, urban decline is intensifying due to population decline, changes in industrial structure, reckless expansion of the city, and aging of residential environment. In order to save the declining city, the need for urban regeneration has emerged, and training experts is also recognized as an important task. Accordingly, the Urban Regeneration Studies Cooperation Course is expected to foster professional talent for successful urban regeneration by providing educational programs to respond to the demand for professionals in urban regeneration related to urban regeneration after graduation.
- Location : E8-3 278 room
- Phone : (043)249-1233
- Department to apply to : Department of Urban Regeneration
College of Business
Bio-Convergence Future Management of Technology
Bio-Convergence Future Management of Technology
Master's Program/Doctoral Program/Joint Master's and Doctoral Program
- Introduction
- Under the support of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy's Convergence Technology Business Expansion Professional Training Program, this department recruits 30 master's and doctoral students every year, and aims to foster professionals with technology commercialization capabilities specialized in the biohealth field. We provide education on the entire life cycle of the bioindustry, including research planning, research execution, research management, and industrialization. In addition, by establishing an industry-university linkage platform in Chungbuk, we are operating an industry-academy linkage program to solve the difficulties of companies and discover new industries. Furthermore, by operating an employment-linked program for Chungbuk National University students, we are leading the way in fostering core professional talents with convergent thinking and business minds related to the bio industry.
- Location : # 310, Building N14
- Phone : (043)249-1288, 1289
- Department to apply to : Bio-Convergence Future Management of Technology